Name | Path | Method | Description |
argame_get_games | /:hpid/argames/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get all games with hpid |
argame_collect_target | /:hpid/argames/collecttarget/ | POST | ARGame: POST-Params: userid, targetid collect a target and calculate new scores |
argame_redeem_shopping_item | /:hpid/argames/redeemshoppingitem/ | POST | ARGame: POST-Params: shoppingitemid, userid redeem a shoppingItem and update redeemedPoints |
argame_register_user_to_game | /:hpid/argames/registerusertogame/ | POST | ARGame: POST-Params: userid, gameid, initialgamescore register user to game |
argame_get_game_targets | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/artargets/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get all targets with geodata and additional information of gameid and hpid |
argame_get_shoppingItems | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/shoppingitems/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get all shopping items of gameid and hpid |
argame_get_game_scores | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/argamescores/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get scores of all users within a single game |
argame_get_game_user_score | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/:userid/argameuserscore/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get score of a single user in a single game |
argame_get_game_user_targets | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/:userid/argameusertargets/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get all targets of a single user in a single game |
argame_get_game_user_shopping_items | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/:userid/argameusershoppingitems/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get all shopping-items of a single user in a single game |
argame_get_game_user_history | /:hpid/argames/:gameid/:userid/argameuserhistory/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get history of collected and redeemed points of a single user in a single game ordered by DateTime ASC |
argame_get_userscores | /:hpid/aruserscores/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get overall userscores of all users |
argame_get_userscore | /:hpid/aruserscores/:userid/userscore/ | GET HEAD | ARGame: get overall userscore of a single user |
armarketing_get_objects | /:hpid/armarketing/ | GET HEAD | ARMarketing: get all objects with hpid |
armarketing_get_object | /:hpid/armarketing/:objectid/object/ | GET HEAD | ARMarketing: get single object with full data by objectid and hpid |
armarketing_get_geodata | /:hpid/armarketinggeo/ | GET HEAD | ARMarketing: get all geodata with hpid |
armarketing_get_marketing | /:hpid/armarketinggeo/:marketingid/marketing/ | GET HEAD | ARMarketing: get marketing geodata by marketingid and hpid |
contribution_user_register | /:hpid/contribution/user/register/ | POST | Contribution: registers a new user for contributions |
contribution_user_login | /:hpid/contribution/user/login/ | POST | Contribution: logs in a user and returns a login-token |
contribution_user_logout | /:hpid/contribution/user/logout/ | POST | Contribution: logs out a user and deletes the token |
contribution_user_delete | /:hpid/contribution/user/delete/ | POST | Contribution: deletes a user's account with parameter login token |
contribution_user_resetPassword | /:hpid/contribution/user/resetpw/ | POST | Contribution: sends mail to user's email which contains a link to reset the password |
contribution_selfie_create | /:hpid/contribution/selfie/create/ | POST | Contribution: creates a new Selfie POI |
contribution_selfie_delete | /:hpid/contribution/selfie/delete/ | POST | Contribution: deletes a Selfie POI by login-token |
council_get_member_list | /:hpid/council/member(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get [length] available members from [start] for the homepage Ordered by lastName ASC |
council_get_member_detail | /:hpid/council/member/:memberid(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the details for a council member |
council_get_board_list | /:hpid/council/board(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get all available boards for the homepage |
council_get_board_detail | /:hpid/council/board/:boardid(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the details for a council board |
council_get_board_conference | /:hpid/council/board/:boardid/conference(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the list of conferences for a council board |
council_get_board_member | /:hpid/council/board/:boardid/member(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the list of members for a council board (order by lastname ASC) |
council_get_conference_list | /:hpid/council/conference(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get all available conferences for the homepage |
council_get_conference_detail | /:hpid/council/conference/:conferenceid(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the details for a conference |
council_get_document_list_for_conference | /:hpid/council/conference/:conferenceid/document(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the list of all documents for the conference |
council_get_party_list | /:hpid/council/party(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get all available parties for the homepage |
council_get_party_member | /:hpid/council/party/:partyid(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the members of a party |
council_get_party_details | /:hpid/council/party/:partyid/details(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the details of a party |
council_get_document_list | /:hpid/council/document(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the list of all documents for the homepage |
council_get_document | /:hpid/council/document/:fileId(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Get the document (only PDF for now)- if token is provided, private version is shown |
council_get__my_timestamps | /:hpid/council/document/my/timestamps | GET HEAD | Council: Get the timestamps of all my documents token |
council_post_my_document | /:hpid/council/document/my/:fileId(/) | POST | Council: Save my document (only PDF for now) – a Token must be provided |
council_delete_my_document | /:hpid/council/document/my/:fileId(/) | DELETE | Council: Delete my document – a Token must be provided |
council_search | /:hpid/council/search(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Search for a string |
council_autocomplete | /:hpid/council/autocomplete(/) | GET HEAD | Council: Autocomplete a string |
event_get_realms | /:hpid/events/ | GET HEAD | Events: get realms for a given homepage id. Ordered by id ASC |
event_get_all_current_events | /:hpid/events/:realmid/ | GET HEAD | Event: Get all current running events for a given realm. This function returns events, that have already started. Ordered by dateFrom, timeFrom, title ASC |
event_get_categories_for_realm | /:hpid/events/:realmid/categories/ | GET HEAD | Event: Get all categories for a given realm. Ordered by name ASC |
event_get_events_for_category | /:hpid/events/:realmid/categories/:categoryid/ | GET HEAD | Event: Get all events for a given category. This function returns events, that have already started. Ordered by dateFrom, timeFrom, title ASC |
event_get_event_details | /:hpid/events/:realmid/events/:eventid/ | GET HEAD | Event: Get the details for a single event. |
geoxl_get_realms | /:hpid/geoxl/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get realms for a given homepage id. Ordered by id ASC |
geoxl_get_media | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all media files |
geoxl_get_media_main_categories | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/maincategories/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get media main categories |
geoxl_get_media_from_category | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/:categoryid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get media files by subcategory id |
geoxl_get_media_from_id | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/:mediaid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get media files by media id |
geoxl_get_media_subcategories_from_main_category_id | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/categories/:mainCategoryId | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get sub categories of media files by main category id |
geoxl_get_media_maincategory_by_id | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/maincategory/:mainCategoryId | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get main category of media files by main category id |
geoxl_get_media_subcategory_by_id | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/media/subcategory/:subCategoryId | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get sub category of media files by sub category id |
geoxl_get_updates | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/anyUpdateSince/:datetime/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get updates since date given by parameter datetime |
geoxl_get_selfie_updates | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/selfieUpdateSince/:datetime/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all new selfies since date given by parameter datetime |
geoxl_get_main_categories | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/categories/main/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get main categories for a given realm of a homepage. Ordered by name ASC |
geoxl_get_sub_categories_for_main_category | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/categories/main/:maincategoryid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all sub categories for a given main category of a given realm of a homepage id. Ordered by name ASC. ONLY Categories with assigned POIs are delivered! 'Empty' Categories are not considered. |
geoxl_get_all_sub_categories | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/categories/allSub/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all subCategories for a given realm of a homepage. ONLY Categories with assigned POIs are delivered! 'Empty' Categories are not considered. |
geoxl_get_poi_for_maincategory | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/pois/categories/main/:maincategoryid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all POIs for a given maincategory within a realm. Ordered by POI name ASC |
geoxl_get_poi_for_subcategory | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/pois/categories/sub/:subcategoryid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all POIs for a given subcategory within a realm. Ordered by POI name ASC |
geoxl_get_all_pois | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/pois/getAll/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all pois by HpId including general openingHours and subCategories |
geoxl_get_all_selfies | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/pois/getAllSelfies/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all selfie pois by HpId |
geoxl_get_poi_details | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/pois/:poiid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get details for a single POI within a realm. |
geoxl_get_all_overlays | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/overlays/getAll/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all Overlays for a given realm including the associated categoryIds. |
geoxl_get_packages | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/packages/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all active company entry packages for a given realm of a homepage |
geoxl_get_global_features | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/packages/features/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all active company entry features for a given realm of a homepage |
geoxl_get_feature_for_package | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/packages/:packageid/features/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get all active company entry features for a given package id |
geoxl_get_data_for_realm | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/info/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: get some data for a given realm of a homepage |
geoxl_get_opening_hour_by_poi | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/openingHours/:poid/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: returns general opening hours for a given POI (opening hours, not assigned to a specific season or special day). |
geoxl_get_is_currently_open | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/openingHours/:poid/isOpen/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: returns minutes till open/ minutes till closed of POI today or for a given date. (as GET parameter). |
geoxl_get_opening_hour_by_poi_id_today | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/openingHours/:poid/:date/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: gets opening Hours of a poi for a given date (yyyy-mm-dd). :date = 'today' returns Data of today. |
geoxl_is_open_all | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/openingHoursAll/ | GET HEAD | GeoXL: returns current opening stats of all pois of the realm. Can be filtered by catIds and mainCatIds. |
postUser | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/user/ | POST | GeoXL: Create company user |
updateUser | /:hpid/geoxl/:realmid/updateuser/ | POST | GeoXL: Updates company user over Publishsystem |
news_get_realms | /:hpid/news/ | GET HEAD | News: get realms for a given homepage id. Ordered by id ASC |
news_set_article_alreadypushed | /:hpid/news/:articleId/alreadypushed/ | GET HEAD | News: Set already pushed flag! |
news_set_article_alreadypushedandroid | /:hpid/news/:articleId/alreadypushedandroid/ | GET HEAD | News: Set already pushed (Android) flag! |
news_get_articles_for_realm | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/ | GET HEAD | News: Get all upcoming (!) articles for a given realm. Ordered by SaveDate & Headline! |
news_get_showNews | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/getShowNews/ | GET HEAD | News: Flag 'showNews' für den :realm holen, welches definiert, an welcher Stelle News angezeigt werden |
news_get_showNews | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/getShowNewsArea/ | GET HEAD | News: Flag 'showNewsArea' für den :realm holen, welches definiert, an welcher Stelle News angezeigt werden |
news_get_articleslatest | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/latest/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the Articles which were posted 5 min ago! |
news_get_articleslatestandroid | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/latestandroid/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the Articles (Android) which were posted 5 min ago! |
news_get_article_details | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/:articleid/ | GET HEAD | News: Get a single news article! |
news_get_article_details_text | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/:articleid/text/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the text objects for a single news article! |
news_get_article_details_picture | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/:articleid/picture/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the picture objects for a single news article! |
news_get_article_details_duo | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/:articleid/duo/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the duo picture objects for a single news article! |
news_get_article_details_file | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/:articleid/file/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the file objects for a single news article! |
news_get_article_details_url | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articles/:articleid/url/ | GET HEAD | News: Get the Typo3 URL for a single news article! |
news_get_articles_by_mapObject | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articlesbyobject/object/:objectId/ | GET HEAD | News: Get all Articles by ObjectId Ordered by SaveDate & Headline! |
news_get_articles_by_Radius | /:hpid/news/:realmid/articlesbyobject/radius/ | GET HEAD | News: Get all Articles related to POIs within a given radius around a given position. coordLat, coordLng, radius (km) are used as GET Variables. Result includes a list of related pois of each article. |
waste_get_realms | /:hpid/events/ | GET HEAD | Waste: get waste realms for a given homepage id. Ordered by id ASC |
waste_get_waste_dates | /:hpid/events/:realmid/dates/ | GET HEAD | Waste: Get the (future) dates for a given type, district or/and days (via query params [district] [type] [days]). returns all (future) dates for all types and all districts.[+14]&district=78&days=30 returns all dates for type 12 (Gelber Sack) [OR type 14], district 78 (Wallhausen) within the next month (30 days). (realm 9501: - Müllkalender) |
waste_get_waste_districts | /:hpid/events/:realmid/districts/ | GET HEAD | Waste: Get all available districts (e.g., 'Schwäbisch Hall - Bezirk 1') for a given realm (realm 9501: - Müllkalender) |
waste_get_waste_types | /:hpid/events/:realmid/types/ | GET HEAD | Waste: Get all available types (e.g., 'gelber Sack') for a given realm (realm 9501: - Müllkalender) |
council_get_pdf_watermarktest | /pdftest(/) | GET HEAD | PDF: Test watermark generation in PDF |
problemuser_get_user | /problemuser/:userid/ | GET HEAD | ProblemUser: return problem_user data by userid |
user_check_username | /user/checkusername/:name/ | GET HEAD | User: check if a given username is in use or available |
user_get_user | /user/:userid/ | GET HEAD | User: return user data by userid |
user_get_packages_from_user | /user/getpackagesfromuser/:userid/ | GET HEAD | User: return all packages of a company user |
user_get_company_user | /user/getcompanyuser/:userid/:maphomepageid/ | GET HEAD | User: Loads user data of a company user (including pin information) |
user_activate_user | /user/activate/:code/:code2 | GET HEAD | User: checks the given activation codes and activates the corresponding user |